Any regular person, when asked about Jesus Christ would say he was born of a Virgin; He died as the savior of the world. True! But most people never really tell the events that took place between His birth and his death; most Christians pay little attention to the details of his suffering on earth. When people are celebrated in death because of their achievements on earth, most times what you see is when they were born and when they died, no one really takes time to talk about what they went through before they left an unforgettable mark on earth. This is so sad as people everywhere, especially Christians, are wriggling in pain and dying of ignorance, simply because they have little knowledge about life’s struggles and the reason for their struggles, knowing that God promised life abundance in their walk with Him.
Just because God promised to give anyone who believes, the best things of life doesn’t mean they will come easy. (Matthew 7: 14) “Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Man’s thoughts and wants are for the PRESENT but God’s thoughts and wants for man are for the FUTURE. The frustration and sorrows that follow trials, hardship and temptation is because we are yet to learn about TIMING – (Ecclesiastes 9:11). We get frustrated when our plans fail, we sorrow over disappointments, we worry when the future appears bleak, we even cry when friends leave us, that’s because we’ve taken our eyes away from the One we should trust, that’s because we are carried away by our immediate desires and wants, even when we think we’re doing things the right way, yet God has a bigger picture and until we see the picture, we cannot stop getting frustrated.
God has equipped man for difficult times, as a result it is expedient that we trust Him and selflessly walk with Him to help us use the right tools when trouble comes. God did not promise us that the road will be smooth, but one thing He’s assured us of is, that the end will be what we expect, (Jeremiah 29:11). When God brought out the people of Israel from Egypt, taking them into the Promised Land, the journey would have been shorter if they had gone through the main road that runs through the Philistine territory, (Exodus 13:17), but God said if He made them take the shorter route, that they’d return to Egypt, they’d return to their former life, so HE had to prepare them and mature them not to return to Egypt, how did God achieve that? He took them through the Wilderness for hard testing – Trust me, the people of Israel learnt to trust God completely, they learnt to fear God, they matured and were fully prepared to enter into the Promised Land, however difficult they appeared, God brought out the best in them, God tried them to see if they’d obey His commandments (Deuteronomy 8:2). God’s end plan was achieved, though not the easy way. Why then can’t we see things God’s way? I used to cry over difficulties, I would frown when things went sour, I would worry when the future appeared bleak, but I got over the frustrations and pains of hardship the moment I discovered this. Trials mature and prepare you spiritually, intellectually and physically. I smile when people pray against trials, yet they ask God for the good things of life- Don’t be deceived, God wants to know that you’ll handle his spiritual and physical blessings well.
Not too long ago, I asked God to help me see things His way, gradually, He helped me understand that hard testing brings out the results we want in life. It’s important that we surrender out thoughts and will to God, however difficult. Jesus Christ did not find his journey to the cross easy and when the urge to satisfy his immediate “want” came, He cried to God and asked that this cup of suffering be taken from Him; (at that moment, God reminded him that it wasn’t about his present “wants” , however glorious his presence on earth was, there was a greater place for him that would benefit all mankind, if he would endure hardship), that was when Jesus Christ saw things God’s way, and he quickly added; nevertheless, not my will but yours be done. That moment, His walk with God to the cross became a lot easier, because he yielded to God’s will with such a great attitude. 1 Peter 4:1, so then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer, too. For if you have suffered physically for Christ, you have finished with sin. We are urged to accept hardship like Jesus did, it may seem difficult but when you tap into the grace that has been given to us and totally surrender your will to His, He’ll help you walk through your trials to produce obedience. Hebrews 5:7&8; During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered
Apostle Peter addressed the Jewish Christians (I believe it applies to believers all over the world today), as PILGRIMS – 1 PETER 2:11. Why did he address them as Pilgrims? Pilgrims suffer, so it isn’t a bad idea to suffer as long as it’s for a good course which most God’s people have found themselves in today. The day you’ll stop struggling in trials, or not cry in difficulty, or have reasons to rejoice in disappointment and betrayals, is the day you surrender completely to God, the day you give up your will for God’s will letting God work in you and through you, trusting in His judgment to take you safely to your final destination where He’ll have His will perfected in you. But as long as you want your will over God’s will, trust me, you’ll never get the desired result and even when it seems you have the desired result, it will be temporal and not without sorrow.
What attitude should you have in trials, hardship and temptation? Having the mind that ALL things work together for good to them that love God and have been called according to His purpose (Roman 8:28), however difficult this may seem, trust God to bring you to an expected end, God will bring out the best out of your ugly situation and turn the impossible around to favor your course. Submit your will to His, walk diligently and fearfully with Him, love everyone around you with the love of God and rejoice constantly, for when perseverance has finished its work in you, you’ll receive your crown. James 1:12 -God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterwards, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
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You're welcome, Whitney. Will certainly post more as inspired. Remain fruitful. Thanks!
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