First, I wondered, does a woman's worth lie in her physical beauty? Her career? Her gender? Her achievements? I don't think so!
Then, I traced it back to the beginning and pondered on it for a long time..................
In the beginning, it appeared all peaceful with Adam and God.
God gave Adam a precious gift as a help meet and a companion –Eve
They lived happily together as they had both been with the Lord before their union
They maintained peace and sanity living according to the "original" plan of God
What was the original plan?
That the woman would be a help meet to the man while the man remained the head of the family.Eve failed God and humanity when she took over the home leaving the husband to be the help meet; when she brought in a fourth party, when she agreed to a second plan with the fourth party to eat the apple that was forbidden by God thereby bringing a curse upon men and women alike.
That’s not a woman’s worth!
A woman’s worth lies not in her ability to rule the man but in her ability to put her ruling power under control.A woman’s worth lies in her ability to build and not to destroy.
A woman’s worth lies in her ability to encourage the man in his God- given assignment and not encourage him carry out her own vision; as the man is a helper to God, the woman is a helper to the man.
A woman’s worth lies in her ability to support her husband in raising God fearing children, keeping the home peaceful and livable; not teaching the children the way to ungodly lifestyles.
A woman’s worth lies in her ability to be a companion to the man and not make him feel even lonelier by constantly nagging and cussing him out; no man ever became better after constant criticism and nagging.
A woman’s worth lies in her ability to cooperate with the man when the world is against him and helping him see his wrongs in the most appropriate manner, not joining the world in calling him a monkey or a wretch when God sees him as a wealthy king.
A woman’s worth lies in her ability to kneel down before the Lord of her husband to table her concerns about her husband that are not favorable to her, not throwing his wrongs to his face like he was supposed to be perfect……no man was ever made to be perfect but is constantly worked in to be right for you!
A woman’s worth lies in her ability to make her husband proud and honored amongst men and not bring shame on God and her family by relentlessly seeking homes to destroy, minding another’s business, jumping from one party to the other, sometimes, uninvited; paying less attention to her children, influencing ungodliness in her home, sowing seeds of discord in her home.
A women’s worth lies in her ability to leave the crown on her husband’s head for a virtuous woman is a crown on her husband.
So much for a woman’s worth!
I dedicate this to all the women that will rather show their worth and not their worthlessness.
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