The world has already been created and you can agree with me that more than half the time we wish for a better world; you can have a better world, you can re-create your world but it doesn't happen by wishing. The world has already been created but it's totally up to you to re-create the world you desire, to re-create what you want from what already exists. Everything needed to re-create the kind of world you desire has already been made available, it's however your responsibility to search for relevant knowledge in the area where you desire change.
For example, growing up in a typical African culture, I was made to understand that marriage can only last if you'll endure rather than enjoy it as originally instituted by God. But as I came to the knowledge of God and was exposed to the riches of Christ, I saw marriage differently and knew for certain that I CAN HAVE AN ENJOYABLE AND ENVIABLE HOME. I made relevant searches and understood the secrets to a happy home.
Someone may have grown up in a poverty stricken home and never thinks he/she would make a better life from the already damaged foundation, but there is hope. Many a times, there are circumstances we meet that tend to leave an indelible impression about life that we do not bother to change those circumstances, ending up in mediocrity and eventually dying a reproach. The troubles of life are already enough to add more troubles and difficulties, because of ignorance and a purposeless life.
Life and recreating your world is all about taking the bull by the horn when you identify the "not-this-kind-of-world" that hides you in the cocoon of fulfillment, to re-recreate your dream world. However, there are radical steps to making that happen. God in Genesis 1 & 2, spent days re-creating the kind of dream world He'd wanted.
Genesis 1:1-2A
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void.......
God saw the "not-this-kind-of-world" at the beginning, He could have chosen to bend down and cry His eyes out, but He took the picture of the kind of world He had in his mind, made use of existing persons and recreated the world He'd wanted to see. The Spirit was hovering over the waters as the Word (Jesus - John 1:1) was in God's mouth. As God spoke what He wanted to see, the Holy Spirit brought it to existence according to the Word spoken by God, for the mouth of the Lord gave the command and the Spirit gathers it.
Isaiah 34:16
For it is his mouth that has given the order, and his Spirit will gather them together.
In re-creating your world, you must understand that there are certain ingredients of power, also, radical steps needed to make it happen. Things don't just happen without the "behind-the-scene" forces combined together. To re-create your world, you need the below tips to empower you and propel you to your new world.
Just because you want to re-create your world doesn't mean that the world will give you what you desire on a platter of gold and feed you with a bowl of Ice-cream. Albert Einstein said, "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." God was able to re-create His world, the kind He wanted because He is God; He has given you too the power to re-create your own world, making you a god by first creating you in his own image and likeness. But to exercise dominion as the god you are to recreate your world will not be activated until you fill yourself with the Word of God.
John 10:35
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
Study the Word day and night, feed on it continuously for your inheritance to be delivered to you. For the Word of God grew mightily and prevailed in the City of Ephesus, the Word of God can also grow and prevail in your life if you let it. Acts 10:32 "And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. You will counter and demolish any and every violence opposing you from re-creating your own world.
Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
The word of God when believed, is converted into power that creates your desired results. Locate where it is written in the Word, believe it because the Word of God never fails and when you find it, there shall be a reward. Proverbs 24:14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.
One of the factors that propel me to accomplish more and re-create my dream world is DESIRE. Whatever you do not desire will never happen for you. Many have lost very beautiful opportunities because they lacked the desire needed to make things happen. If you want a beautiful marriage, desire a beautiful marriage and work towards self change; if your desire more money in the future, make relevant investments today and acquire relevant knowledge; if you desire a conglomerate, friend, it is possible, just sit and plan. Everything visible is made possible because of desperate desire.
Genesis 13:15
For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.
What you do not see in your mind can never be achieved. To create your desired haven, you must first see what you desire, otherwise, anything and anyone can stop you or even present to you a world of no value and you'll settle for it. Nothing or no one can stop a man or woman who has a mental picture of where they are going or where they want to be - Genesis 11:6. Until you see the invisible, you can't do the impossible.
Hebrews 13:7
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.
You may desire it, dream it or even speak it, but if you do not acquire necessary knowledge in the field you want to venture into, you will struggle through it. Listen, you need those who have climbed the ladder ahead of you and have successfully made it to the top to share with you their experiences on how they made it to the top. God had to work with the people available, talking about Jesus (the Word) and the Holy Spirit who hovered over the surface of the waters. You need people who know how, to help you carry out your vision.
Zachariah 4:10
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the LORD that search all around the world.)
Until a force is applied to an object, it maintains a state of rest. You cannot re-create your dream world by just sitting and wishing. Get moving! You have all that you need to make your dream a reality, take a bold step and start somewhere. You are the only one that would motivate yourself to launch out, others will join you as times goes on. It doesn't matter how small you start, just start....God rejoices to see the work begin. The beginning may be small but just begin.
Proverbs 22:29
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
You need to be diligent till your vision is fulfilled. Just have one thing in mind, "if I could see it, then it's accomplishable" It can be accomplished only if I remain diligent against all odds. Diligence is not easy especially when you experience the opposite of your dreams. Joseph was diligent in following God until his dreams were fulfilled despite what was done to him by his brother, Potiphar's wife, and even the man who forgot him in prison. Many times, we tend to look at the odds as we pursue our dreams, forgetting that the negativities and troubles are there as stepping stones to take you higher, the difficulties are there as sling to project you to your dream world. Do not be cognizant of the fact that falling or failing is inevitable in your pursuit of vision, when you fall, rise and keep moving forward, only take the lesson with you so you do not fall again.
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